Tuesday, December 15, 2009

BBC News - MP3 players face noise limits recommended by EU

BBC News - MP3 players face noise limits recommended by EU: "MP3 players face noise limits recommended by EU

Scientific experts say the maximum setting should be 85 decibels
The European Commission is calling for a suggested maximum volume to be set on MP3 players, to protect users' hearing.
The commission wants all MP3 players sold in the EU, including iPods, to share the same volume limits.
This follows a report last year warning that up to 10m people in the EU face permanent hearing loss from listening to loud music for prolonged periods.
EU experts want the default maximum setting to be 85 decibels, according to BBC One's Politics Show.
Users would be able to override this setting to reach a top limit of 100 decibels.
In January, a two-month consultation of all EU standardisation bodies will begin on these proposals, with a final agreement expected in the spring.
Some personal players examined in testing facilities have been found to reach 120 decibels, the equivalent of a jet taking off, and no safety default level currently applies, although manufacturers are obliged to print information about risks in the instruction manuals."

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